Hospitals - Clinics.

Large hospital systems may use CAREPOI  for many services like primary care, mental health care, chronic disease management, and remote patient monitoring.

Some examples include cardiologists using CAREPOI to monitor patient heart health after heart attacks, or dermatologists treating skin conditions without needing in-office visits.

These are just a few practice examples, but here are specific ways telehealth improves patient care for healthcare providers:

  1. Fewer in-office visits. More patients per day. In many cases, patients also prefer it to in-person visits.
  2. Care continuity. CAREPOI gives patients access to care and health data from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows for remote patient monitoring, timely interventions, increased engagement in care, and improved continuity of care.
  3. Improve interoperability of electronic health records (EHRs). CAREPOI supports EHR, enabling enhanced workflows and seamless access to patient records across different providers.
  4. Increase access and remove barriers. CAREPOI allows you and other specialists to collaborate in treating patients in underserved areas who often have difficulty getting to in-person visits. For example, a primary care physician and a physical therapist can collaborate over CAREPOI to develop a coordinated care plan for a patient in a rural area.
  5. Prescribe medications. CAREPOI can electronically prescribe medications to patients, eliminating the need for paper prescriptions.
  6. Potentially prevent hospital readmissions. Having convenient, real-time access to your patients via telehealth can increase compliance. Clinicians feel CAREPOI allows them to provide more effective treatment, and decreases patient emergency room visits.
  7. Ease of workflows. CAREPOI integrates seamlessly with any other EHR system.


As we face unprecedented shifts in healthcare delivery, CAREPOI empowers private healthcare providers to stay at the forefront of progress, ensuring they are fully prepared to provide advanced, patient-centric care to their communities. In following pages, we will explore the ways in which CAREPOI can enrich your practice, improve patient outcomes, and elevate your reputation as a healthcare leader.

Competive Edge.



“Clinics can leverage our platform to position themselves as forward-thinking, patient- focused institutions, which can attract more patients and differentiate them from competitors.”

CarePOI is an innovative healthcare system that is revolutionizing the way healthcare organizations connect, collaborate and deliver medical services. Our system integrates a wide range of healthcare services, including:

  • remote monitoring of patients for screening and follow-up of remote clinical diagnosis and telemetry,
  • assessment and triage cases inside and outside hospital structures
  • intra-hospital interconnection and patient monitoring and allocation and coordination of resources for more effective management of collaborative hospital processes.

CarePOI may be ideal for hospitals, health centers, ambulances, rural clinics and remote  areas ensuring patient-centred care in these communities.

The days after a surgery are often critical and require constant vigilance, monitoring and expert care. For clinics and hospitals, this presents a unique challenge – the cost of prolonged inpatient care can be significant, and patients are often forced to end a stay prematurely due to financial constraints.

The concept of long-term care patients includes a diverse group of people with varying needs. From diabetic patients who require continuous blood sugar monitoring to cancer patients undergoing extensive treatment regimens, the spectrum of long-term care is wide.
CarePOI recognizes the unique needs of this category of patients and offers comprehensive solutions to best meet their requirements.


In clinics and hospitals, the challenge is often to balance the need for extended follow-up with the high cost of the hospital stay. This dilemma can lead to premature discharges and increased risks for patients.

  • Extending patient stays without extending costs:
    Typically, most patients are able to stay in the clinic or hospital for only 1 to 3 days after a procedure. Beyond this period, the financial burden often becomes prohibitive. At this very point, CarePOI’s solution, brings the hospital to the patient’s home. We provide the necessary medical equipment for the continuous monitoring of postoperative patients, or patients with chronic diseases without having to stay within the hospital structures.
    This is game-changing and the benefits are significant for all parties involved.
  • Strengthening Hospitals and Clinics:
    Patients can recover at home, while their health remains under the watchful care of health professionals.
  • Better management:
    With the real-time data provided by the telemedicine and telemetry system, hospitals can effectively manage and monitor the condition of postoperative patients. This not only enhances patient safety, but also leads to better outcomes, reducing complications and the risk of readmission.
  • Reduced cost of hospitalization:
    Healthcare facilities can reduce the burden of inpatient care, making it more efficient for patients, while optimizing resource allocation.